Last night I went to the University of Indianapolis's Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center Gallery to watch this classic musical being performed by homeschoolers.
I'll be up front, one of my friends was playing the lead, so I am biased to like the play even if it was not the best. However, it surprised me with its accuracy to the beloved film, right down to the Russian dancing in the L'Chaim number and the bottle-on-head manuevers after the wedding. There were three homescholers able to do the latter. (Proving the superiority of some of our members.) Tevye did a fist shaking and bowing dance for "Tradition", and while not as unforgettable as the original, "If I was a rich man" had its own charm. The best songs though, were "Matchmaker" and Hodel's "Far from the Home I Love."
The dream sequence featuring Fruma Sarah was beautifully done, the towering specter gliding over the stage to haunt Tevye's dreams.
Please go see it, free admission can't be beaten!
6 months ago
nice review - short and sweet. I'll add my bit: it was a wonderful production, and Tevye was portrayed brilliantly.